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Showing posts from January, 2010

I need this NOW...........

2 days... Grand Floridian Resort and Spa pictured. I'm about to lose my freaking mind.. I need a vacation so damned bad. I need to focus on my myself for a change... rather than everyone else... I'm the worst people pleaser... and right about now, I just need to take care of what's good for ME....

It's been awhile....

So.. the blog is helpful for me to process many things.. but it's also a reminder of what isn't here... a baby.. a pregnancy.. I'm on cd43. I obviously didn't ovulate this month.. who knows when I will get a period.. it's incredibly frustrating.. I need to take the prometrium hormone so I can have a period.. i've taken a ton of time off the fertility medicine.. AFTER this upcoming cycle, we'll get going again.. both my husband and I have baby fever even more than normal... it's such a rough feeling to have.. I had to make a tough decision recently.. it's still fresh.. it's never easy to end a friendship. Especially someone you've talked to for a pretty long time.. & in typical "me" fashion, music always helps me through a tough situation. This will take some time for me to move forward from.. It helps that I am going on an amazing vacation to Walt Disney World and staying at the Grand Floridian Resort and Spa for 7 amazing nigh...