Not pregnant... again.....
already on cd 8 in my new cycle.... that last cycle was SO hard to take for me... I REALLY had hope...
i feel defeated. the tears were the hardest this time... I don't know why, it's the same EVERY month...
why me?? I want to be a mommy so bad... is it ever going to happen for me?
I hate infertility, I hate PCOS... and I HATE endometriosis...
we're considering an IUI next month. We shall see....
This is SUCH a lonely process..
It definitly feels like such a lonely road but know that we are all here for ya and know exactly how you are feeling about infertility. Good luck with your appointment on the 14th!! (((hugs)))
What does your RE say about the IUI, how much would it increase your chances?
We are home next week. We get in Sat the 12th if you wanna come over and talk. :)