This whole process of trying to concieve. Geesh. So much information out there. It's frustrating my body doesn't work like everyone else's because of the PCOS and Endometriosis. Yeah, Yeah.. these are the cards I was dealt so I should just suck it up and deal with it... but it can be annoying. Taking Clomid, wondering when I will ovulate, wondering, wondering, wondering..... my husband is pretty supportive.. I mean, he actually recommends I NOT get so worked up, so into reading TTC information online but there are so many products out there to try, to learn about, etc... that I want to try... I don't want to be using Clomid for months and months on end.. eventually adding another medication to the mix to try to help me get pregnant. Today is CD (cycle day)16... so I should be ovulate now.... anytime now please ....... my blood work will be done on Friday 10/24, which is CD21. I'll go in the morning to get my labs done before work. I said this blog would be raw....